Apart from struggling to put together a much needed effort to continuously update my blog, apparently I also have a tendency to buy first, justifications later policy when it comes to buying books or reading materials.
So,out of pure single-mindedness and guilt-free entry, these are the books that I'm currently sinking my teeth into, quite literally at times! Her goes nothing :-
1) Football-Bloody Hell : The Biography of Alex Ferguson by Patrick Barclay. Done reading it, am currently re-reading a few chapters on Sir Alex's Aberdeen days. Oh, I think I don't like Patrick Barclay, don't ask... it's about his tweets on David De Gea :-)
2) The Football Men by Simon Kuper. Done reading it, but can't put the book down for too long...filled with priceless snippets and valuable insights on the footballing men we know, adore and love so much.
3) The Blizzard : Issue One edited by Jonathan Wilson. Done reading it, hope to emulate the sheer brilliance of it all. I heart football journalism !!!
4) RED : My Autobiography by Gary Neville. Done reading it, will read again if possible but honestly I expected more from Gary.
5) Soccer Against The Enemy by Simon Kuper. Currently reading it, have to skip a few chapters as I browse through simply because can't wait for the part where the names of the teams and players are more familiar... got it for RM8.00 at the Big Bad Wolf book fair recently.
6) Batman : Year One by Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli and Richmond Lewis. Okay, okay so this is not strictly a 'book' per se but hey I did mentioned 'reading materials' earlier on right! Done reading at first attempt, "...a shadow fell across me, from above. Wings flapped, close by and almost silent. "
7) Soccernomics by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski. Haven't started, don't know when I'll actually start but as per policy, buy first, explain to the wife later ;-)
Thanks and ciao !